The consortium

PRICNAC is a consortium of 5 partners involved in its implementation: AUF, OBREAL GLOBAL, CAMES, AAU and RÉIFAC.

Funding of the project

PRICNAC is funded by the European Union through the ACP Innovation Fund.


The project will be officially launched in 2021 for four years. All partners are associated in the implementation of the project.

8 countries
of operation

  • Cameroon
  • Congo
  • Gabon
  • GuinĂ©e Équatoriale
  • Central African Republic (CAR)
  • Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
  • Tome and Principe
  • Chad

Project duration
4 yrs (2021-2024)

PRICNAC will be deployed in successive phases over 4 years in its 8 intervention countries

5 partners

PRICNAC is implemented by a consortium of 5 institutions:
  • AUF
  • CAMES,
  • AUA
Logo AUF
AUF: Project coordinator
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) coordinates the PRICNAC project and oversees its technical, administrative and financial management. AUF teams can be found in the 6 countries of the geographical area covered by the project: Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, CAR, DRC and Chad.


The AUF brings together 1007 universities, grandes Ă©coles, university networks and scientific research centres using the French language in 119 countries. Established in 1961, AUF is one of the largest associations of higher education and research institutions in the world. The Association is also the operator for higher education and research of the Francophonie Summit.


Operational coordination: AUF Central Africa and the Great Lakes


  • AĂŻda SY-WONYU, AUF Regional Director for Central Africa and the Great Lakes
  • Jean Calvin TJOMBE, PRICNAC project coordinator
  • GaĂ«lle MONGO KEDI, Project Manager – PRICNAC
  • Rachel Ngo BIKOB, Communication officer


AUF’s network of Francophone digital campuses (CNF) :


  • Achille Benjamin SOMPA (Brazzaville, Congo)
  • Anicet DOUMOUS (Bangui, Central African Republic)
  • GaĂ©tan IZANE (NgaoundĂ©rĂ©, Cameroon)
  • Joseph INDJENDJE (Libreville, Gabon)
  • Jean RenĂ© GALEKWA (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)
  • Jenny KABENGELE, (Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo)
  • Marayi CHOROMA (N’Djamena, Tchad)
  • William KAMDEM, (Yaounde, Cameroon)
Obreal Global Observatory (Obreal Global)

OBREAL-Global Observatory is an organization consisting of members from various academic and research institutions, associations and networks, individual researchers and practitioners from Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, with a strong international orientation. Obreal Global was originally set up to implement a DG RELEX and EuropeAid project for Latin America (2004-2007) but has since become sustainable and has expanded its activities to other regions, most notably in Africa and India, promoting N-S-S partnerships. OBREAL Global has considerable experience in managing European Union (EU) funded projects in collaboration with leading higher education and research institutions, higher education organisations and associations and other social and governmental actors. This partnership will add a European and global dimension to the PRICNAC project.


The OBREAL Global team in the PRICNAC project


  • Ramon TORRENT, Chairman of OBREAL Global, Official representative of OBREAL Global. Strategic decisions.
  • NicolĂĄs PATRICI, Director of OBREAL Global, Coordination of the OBREAL Global team in the PRICNAC project
  • Elizabeth COLUCCI, Global Project Manager of OBREAL Global, General Coordinator of the PRICNAC project at OBREAL Global
  • Angel Manuel RAFAEL, Project Manager, Collaboration in project budgetary matters. Cross-functional support in project activities
  • Apiyo OKWIRI, Project Manager, Collaboration on micro-project matters.
  • Eloi ESPOSITO, Director Communication, Collaboration in the communication and dissemination plan.
African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES)
Established in 1968, CAMES is a regional and intergovernmental institution bringing together nineteen (19) countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal and Togo. CAMES is also a large network of Higher Education and Research Institutions, spread over Central Africa, West Africa, the Great Lakes Region and in the Indian Ocean as well. L’équipe du CAMES dans le projet PRICNAC
  • Pr Bertrand MBATCHI, Legal representative
  • Assalih JAGHFAR, PRICNAC Focal point& ChargĂ© de communication
  • Issoufou SOULAMA, Administrative
  • Anselme BAMBARA, Project Manager
The Association of African Universities (AUA / AAU)

The AAU is the largest association of higher education and research institutions on the African continent. It aspires to serve as the voice of higher education in Africa and to support its members to address global needs at the country and continental levels and beyond.

The AAU’s mission is to promote the quality and relevance of higher education to Africa’s needs and to make a greater contribution to Africa’s development.

The AAU team in the PRICNAC project

  • Pr Etienne EHILE, , Secretary General of the AAU / AUA
  • Pr Jonathan C. Mba, Director of Research and Academic Planning
  • Mr. Maxwell AMO-HOYTE, Financial Director
Network of Experts in Educational Engineering of Central Africa and the Great Lakes (REIFAC)
The Network of Experts in Educational Engineering in Central Africa and the Great Lakes (REIFAC) makes its presence felt in the Central Africa and the Great Lakes sub-region by providing higher education institutions with know-how based on innovative approaches to educational/pedagogical engineering (training in reference to the organisation of a training course and pedagogical in reference to the training process). This mainly consists of the following actions :
  • Support for the pedagogical design and/or re-engineering of training courses (drafting/revision of curricula)
  • Set up and/or support the setting up of high value-added projects
  • Audit and quality control in the field of education and training
  • Further training of trainers..
REIFAC has been involved in some thirty projects in the Central African and the Great Lakes sub-region, led by experts with extensive experience in the fields of higher education, research, innovation, training and support for socio-professional integration. The REIFAC team in the PRICNAC project
  • Pr Etienne DONGO, President
  • Pr Serge ZEBAZE, Chief of mission
  • Pr BOYOMO ONANA, member
  • M. Collins ASONGAFAC, member